香港商聯通是一家電腦技術支援公司, 幫助各幫助中小企在有限的資源下, 享受高質素電腦技術支援服務,. 服務包括伺服器設置和維護, VPN設置, 防火牆設置, 網絡鏡頭設置, 電郵備份及封存, 網絡設計和鋪設服務 Wen are Hong Kong Companies Online Ltd is an IT Service Company, our service teams have the expertise of supporting and maintaining PC, Server and Network, so as to ensure a reliable working environment. Our highly motivated and skilled service teams endeavor to provide highly efficient service of the highest quality at the lower possible price to our valuable clients. Our service have included, Server setup and maintenance, Workstation maintenance, Multi-point VPN setup, Firewall setup, IP cam setup, Email archive & backup, Network infrastructure & cabling service.
備份以及無限次電話 / 電郵 / 遙距 / 上門等服務每月低至HK#1200 (成個申請可享HK$300現金超市券回贈)