Accounting freelance

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I am a freelance bookkeeper providing affordable and professional services. Provide Free-of-charge Tax Planning and Business Advisory.


1. 會計入賬 (使用會計軟件入賬,方便匯出各種電子賬目及進行數據分析)

Bookkeeping (using accounting software, can export different type of reports and analysis)

2. 編制財務報表 (按客戶需要提供月度、季度及年度財務賬目)

Prepare financial statements on monthly/ seasonal/ annual basis

3. 整理會計單據

Organize accounting records

4. 稅務管理 (深入透析個人及公司稅務狀況,充分利用稅務減免,提供全面可行的稅款節省方案; 稅務分析包括薪俸稅、物業稅、利得稅及印花稅)

Tax planning (Thorough analysis on Individual Tax and Profits Tax, optimizing tax deductions and minimizing tax payables)

5. 編制「利得稅計算表」

Prepare tax computation

6. 填寫「利得稅報稅表」

Complete Profits Tax Return

7. 填寫「個別人士報稅表」

Complete Individual Tax Return

8. 處理核數師查問

Handle auditor’s requests

9. 填寫「僱主報稅表」

Complete Employers’ Return

10. 向稅務局申請延遲遞交報稅表,申請緩繳暫繳稅及處理其他稅務事宜

Apply for extension of tax return submission deadline, apply for provisional tax holdover and other tax related issues

免費網上廣告平台 - BEEEO


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