發達牌地產 Rich Brand Property 網上搵樓 – 專營港島

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{發達牌地產 Rich Brand Property} 網上搵樓,專營港島樓盤,北角中心,北角半山:; 包括各大租售住宅樓盤,工商舖,車位。 為客戶提供成交紀錄,按揭計算,按揭轉介,網上估價,網上放盤,地圖交通資訊,學校網絡,市場分析,業主免費刊登盤源,租務代管,專業一條龍服務。本公司位於北角城市中心,用心建立人際顧客網絡。在網絡幫助下, 無論閣下是買家/賣家或是業主/租客,本公司定必能以最快時間為閣下尋求到合適的樓盤或是買家/租客,歡迎閣下隨時親臨或來電查詢。 務求使閣下能夠安在家中,亦能隨時接觸到即時更新的樓盤資訊。
We specialise in properties in North Point centre, North Point mid-levels and the rest of Hong Kong Island, including residential, commercial and industrial properties and car parking spaces for sale and/or rent. We are a one-stop shop providing you with latest transaction records, mortgage calculation, mortgage referral, online valuation, online listing, transportation maps and information, school networks information, market analysis and listing/tenancy management. Located in the heart of North Point, we build our personal network with our passion and dedication. Leveraging on our efficient network and database, we strive to locate suitable properties and buyers/tenants for you in the quickest manner. Please visit us or give us a call anytime. Get the most updated properties news at your fingertips!
Facebook: richbrandpropertylimited / Instagram: rich_brand_property / Wechat: rich_brand_property / Whatsapp: http://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85292282769

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